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Protect Our Election is organizing an effort to connect community activists with their local election officials.

Sign Up Today To Help Thank Our Election Officials

Thank you for your commitment to thank our election officials. Protect Our Election will provide additional details about this campaign via email. 

We Are Democracy: Thank You Toolkit


We encourage you to show your appreciation for your election officials at your convenience. Our hope is that this movement becomes evergreen and helps build a continuing connection between our communities and the officials who administer democracy. 


This toolkit includes several ways for you to take action and strengthen that bond: 



For items that need to be mailed (postcards, letters, etc), our election official database will provide you with the appropriate mailing address and additional contact info. Please simply search for your county in the search/dropdown box below. NOTE: Residents of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI and VT should search by town, not county. 






















Finally, we have set up a fund to support the production and distribution of custom challenge pins in honor of election workers. We'll be sending these tokens to as many officials and volunteers around the country as we can; making a donation will ensure that your local official will be one of the recipients.

Democracy prevailed in 2020. 


Despite facing an unprecedented confluence of challenges, America's election officials pulled off the most secure election in our nation's history. They made the most of inadequate funding, they installed safety measures to guard against COVID-19, they turned a potential shortage of poll workers into a surplus, they strengthened our cyber defenses, they fought disinformation, and they withstood a manipulative domestic political assault that called their competence and patriotism into question.


They protected our election.


Our election officials and poll workers are American heroes. Hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens stepped up across 50 states and 3,045 counties and accomplished something that deserves our collective praise.


Protect Our Election is coordinating a nation-wide effort to thank these public servants for their tireless work, and we would love your help. This grassroots campaign, which we're calling We Are Democracy, has a goal of delivering tokens of appreciation to at least 50,000 election officials and local poll workers.


We need you to lead the effort in your community. Sign up to be a part of the effort, and see below for our toolkit including postcard templates, a letter script, social media sample language, opportunities to organize events in your community, and ideas for homemade art projects and recipes!



Join the We Are Democracy social media campaign!


Record a brief video message of appreciation and share it with the world.


Click to open up sample language for a typed or handwritten letter.


Download our postcard template to add your own message and print at home.

Creative Examples

Send us a picture of what you've done in your community, and we will feature it here. Remember to include a reference to 'We Are Democracy' in order to help reinforce the idea that this sentiment is shared nationwide.


Submissions can be sent to info@protectourelection, or simply tweet it to @OurElection.

We Are Democracy - Heroes 1.jpg


election day cake.jpeg
vote cookies.jpeg


Follow the relevant civic organizations at the below links.


The National Association of Secretaries of State:

The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State:


The Republican Secretaries of State Committee: RSSC




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Contact Us

Have thoughts you'd like to share? Offers to help the cause? Protect Our Election is always on the lookout for like-minded afficianados of American democracy.

Thanks for submitting!

Protect Our Election is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 85-1502677.

© 2024 by Protect Our Election

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