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Florida's 29 Electoral Votes and tendency for close races make it a huge prize in presidential politics.



Election Integrity Grade

Laurel Lee (R)

Appointed - In Office Since 2019

Population: 21,477,737

Budget Allocation For Elections: $14,853,850

Per Capita Investment In Elections: $0.69

The top election administrator in the state of Florida is the Secretary of State, Laurel Lee (R). She was appointed to the role by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in January 2019. 


Florida's Supervisors of Elections are county-level officials who oversee the logistical details of voter registration, maintaining election equipment, training poll workers, and providing precinct vote totals to the state. 


There are several areas of concern in the state of Florida ahead of this year's election: state leaders like Gov. Ron DeSantis have shown a predilection toward prioritizing partisan political motives over facts, state government is pushing back against vote by mail, Florida has proven itself to be exceedingly incapable of dealing with COVID-19, and the state's history in executing smooth elections (most memorably in 2000) is dubious. 

Statements on Voter Fraud

COVID-19 Preparedness

Support for Vote By Mail

The Florida state government, including Secretary of State Laurel Lee, has recently promoted legal arguments embracing voter fraud conspiracy theories. (C-)

Florida's local election officials are pressing Governor Ron DeSantis hard for COVID preparedness measures and funding. But he has so far resisted taking action. (C-)

Members of Florida's Supervisors of Elections have spoken up in defense of Vote By Mail, but the Governor and Secretary of State are pushing legal arguments against it. (C)

Cyber Security

Florida officials have assembled an election security team including state, federal, and local officials to prepare the system to combat cyber threats. (B-)

State Politics

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio, and Rep. Matt Gaetz are all among Donald Trump's most vocal allies. Partisanship is a concern. (D-)

State History

Florida's infamous election issues in 2000 set the bar for bungled execution and political machinations driving results. The state continues to have issues. (F)


Marble Surface

Laurel Lee


Secretary of State

Some of what you’re hearing, those generalized concerns, may be more applicable to other states that aren’t as experienced with administering vote-by-mail...

Marble Surface

Craig Lattimer


President, Florida Association of Supervisors of Elections

Our request for executive action cannot wait any longer... Florida is lagging behind nearly every other state.

Marble Surface

Darren Hutchinson​


Law Professor,

University of Florida

President Trump’s comments regarding absentee and mail-in ballots are misleading...

On this issue, Trump is simply wrong.


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